Just, Let

Performance, custom temporary tattoos, lotion
AiOP Festival, 2024
14th St, Manhattan, NY

A performer in a black apron and bandana sits on a stool and waits. Participants sit opposite them and offer a forearm to receive a short hand massage that includes the application of a temporary tattoo, custom-printed with a stanza from a poem about the strange power dynamics of paid care-work in massage therapy contexts. The two have a conversation about giving and recieving touch and care. The participant stays as long as they would like, leaving with a relic of the touch recieved on their skin.

This performance premiered at the Art in Odd Places Festival, where Crosby performed for 3 days in various locations on 14th Street in Manhattan, NY, engaging with a wide variety of participants and conversations. The temoprary tattoos originally appeared in Mostly Silent Touching: $95 per hour.

Photos by Meghan Moffat